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Mbappe Turtle

Why is Kylian Mbappé Nicknamed the 'Ninja Turtle'?

The Origin of the Moniker

Kylian Mbappé, the French football superstar, has garnered a rather peculiar nickname among his teammates: 'Ninja Turtle.' This moniker, while seemingly humorous, actually has a significant backstory.

The Resemblance to Donatello

The Physical Similarities

Upon joining Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) in 2017, Mbappé's teammates quickly noticed a striking resemblance between him and Donatello, one of the four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Mbappé's long, slender legs, prominent nose, and striking facial features were said to mirror Donatello's appearance.

The Playful Comparison

In a playful manner, the PSG players began referring to Mbappé as "Donatello" or simply "Turtle," a nickname that has stuck with him since then. The comparison was made in jest and served as a lighthearted way to bond with their new teammate.

The Social Media Spread

As the nickname gained traction within the PSG dressing room, it quickly spread through social media circles. Fans and followers of the club began to use the "Ninja Turtle" tag to refer to Mbappé, further popularizing the moniker.

The Enduring Legacy

Kylian Mbappé's nickname, 'Ninja Turtle,' has become an enduring part of his identity in football. It serves as a testament to the lighthearted camaraderie within the PSG team and the unique bond they share. Despite the playful origins of the nickname, Mbappé has embraced it with good humor, further cementing its place in his legacy.
